Mersea Recharge – Update September 2017

As it is a while since we were in touch you might well be wondering where we have got to with the Mersea Recharge project. So here is an update.

The good news is that we have been promised, subject to National economic guidelines, the necessary funding for the recharge by the Environment Agency Regional Flood Committee. Estimated to be around £340,000 this would cover Harwich Harbour charges for supply and delivery of the material, construction of brushwood fencing, ongoing monitoring and maintenance.

The bad news is that we still await approval from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to carry out the recharge. We submitted a very thorough Environment Statement (155 page plus 6 appendices) with our application on 21st September 2016 which they advised us should be dealt within 13 weeks. However, following a number of delays due to MMO personnel changes and unnecessary work, and despite frequent chasing, they did not send it out in for consultation to involved bodies such as Natural England, Historic England and local authorities until March 2017.

‘Some of these regulatory authorities responded with specific concerns to which we have now responded in the form of a Supplementary Response. These include

  • the potential for the proposal to create noise and dust pollution;
  • the potential for the work to damage heritage or archaeological features, including previously unidentified archaeological remains – this references the recent finds at East Mersea (over 6km from the recharge site) which came to light after submission of the licence application;
  • potential damage to listed “wrecks” –described as:  ‘stranded wreck – condition unknown’ and the ‘remnants of a small wooden boat’.
  • additional information on the sediment size of the recharge material;
  • impacts on commercial fishing activities;  and
  • ‘mitigation to ensure access to vessels, vehicles, moorings and landings will be maintained’.

We have indicated where concerns raised by the regulators are already covered in the information provided in the Environmental Statement; the relevant sections being referenced in our response.  Nevertheless MMO have concluded that our response to the regulator comments is ‘further information’ and will therefore need to undergo further public consultation.  This follows the same process as the earlier public consultation for the Environmental Statement, requiring a six-week window for feedback. The MMO received no representations from the public during the consultation for the Environmental Statement.’

Our application is now unlikely to be concluded before the end of 2017. However Harwich Harbour have now deferred their dredge programme, which will provide material for the recharge. This is now unlikely to happen before 2022, so fortunately there is no urgency in obtaining MMO approval.

You can view the complete Environmental Statement and the Supplementary Response to queries raised by consultees, advisers and MMO at downloads section of this website or at West Mersea Public Library from 30th Sept.

We look forward to advising you of more positive news in due course.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued interest and support.

MHPT Promised £340k Funding From Environment Agency

At the AGM held at WMYC on Monday 24th, the Trust was pleased to announce that following our presentation to at a meeting of the Anglian (Eastern) Regional Flood & Coastal Committee on Friday 21st April the Committee approved our request for funding the total costs of the proposed Recharge and follow up activities such as monitoring and maintenance totalling around £340,000.

Our submission of the Environmental Statement and application for consents was submitted to the Marine Management Organisation in November. They have put it out for consultation to interested parties such as Natural England, Historic England and local authorities as well as the public. The consultation period is now finished and the MMO have provided us with an initial summary of responses received which are basically very favourable, but still require a few answers, which will not present a problem. We therefore expect a final response in the next few weeks, and will advise you

However we still have to negotiate the supply and delivery of the material from Harwich Harbour Authority although they have now indicated that, owing to current conditions in global shipping markets, their dredging programme is likely to be deferred until possibly 2022-23. There is still a lot of work for us to do in preparation for the Recharge but we are confident that we will be ready when the time comes.


The MMO Consent Application Public Notification

The Mersea Harbour Protection Trust has now applied to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) for consent for the proposed recharge under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 (as amended). This public notification is to enable members of the public to comment direct to the MMO.

A hard copy of the Environmental Statement  has been placed in West Mersea Library, but some of the Appendices may be easier to view here. The public consultation dates run from 3 March 2017 for 42 days ie until 13 April 2017. If you support the recharge project or would like to make representation known, then The Mersea Harbour Protection Trust would appreciate your comments direct to the MMO through this public notification process.

Representations in respect of the application should ordinarily be made by visiting the MMO public register and accessing the make a comment section of case reference MLA/2016/00386. By email to or by letter addressed to Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH. In all cases, correspondence must be received by the 13th April 2017. You must also quote the case reference, MLA/2016/00386 and include an address to which correspondence relating to the representation or objection may be sent.

Final Environmental Statement Submitted

The final Environmental Statement for the Mersea Harbour Protection Trust recharge project is now complete and was submitted to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) on 22 September with our application for the essential licences to proceed.

This has taken a huge amount of work and combines all the surveys, investigations, risk assessments etc. This document has been produced by Carol Reid, our consultant, peer reviewed and specialist input from Mark Dixon and with massive support from Jim Pullen on graphics, ideas, on site monitoring etc and the RSPB on bird data. It can be viewed in the Download section of the site.